Q: How can I display a percentage-done indication that updates itself in place, or show one of those ``twirling baton'' progress indicators?
A: These simple things, at least, you can do fairly portably. Printing the character '\r' will usually give you a carriage return without a line feed, so that you can overwrite the current line. The character '\b' is a backspace, and will usually move the cursor one position to the left.
Using these characters, you can print a percentage-done indicator:
for(i = 0; i < lotsa; i++) { printf("\r%3d%%", (int)(100L * i / lotsa)); fflush(stdout); do_timeconsuming_work(); } printf("\ndone.\n");or a baton:
printf("working: "); for(i = 0; i < lotsa; i++) { printf("%c\b", "|/-\\"[i%4]); fflush(stdout); do_timeconsuming_work(); } printf("done.\n");
See also question 12.4.
ISO Sec. 5.2.2